Monthly Archives: August 2015

‘There is always something new out of Africa, and it’s all bad.’

LINK: The elites in the West are so terrified of seeming racist that they’re apparently willing to kill us for it. The West is like the stupid white girl at the bar who gets invited to go off on her … Continue reading

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The Old Turns Out To Be True

* LINK: Essentially, the common ideas about race up to about the mid-1950’s are all turning out to be true – I.Q., creativity, aggression, conformity, sexual differences and desire of non-whites for white females, etc. The next 20-30 years will … Continue reading

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Megyn Kelly: Hall Monitor For The Hivemind

From Chateau Heartiste: Trump effortlessly bats away her attempt to entrap him into cuckservative apologia for imaginary misogyny. Can’t stump the Trump! The audience (including women) applauds. MegYn fumes and tries to shout over Trump’s shit-eating grin (it’s a loud … Continue reading

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Reworking The Twelve Steps

My previous efforts. Step One. Admit that I am powerless over my addictions. I am powerless over my desires for attention, nurturing, beauty, and power. I am powerless over my debting and under-earning and under-achieving and under-being. I am powerless … Continue reading

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Torah Scholars Tend To Be Frail

One does not usually associate ruddy health with the most religious Jews. Adam Kirsch writes: Yet Talmud scholars, the chapter also teaches, did not often get a chance to indulge in such dainties. Whether because they were too poor, too … Continue reading

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