Monthly Archives: July 2015

Dating For Women

Miriam writes: “The dating world is not fair on women. Most men expect a woman to put out after a few dates, but then won’t take her home to meet their mum because she puts out. Then, you have the … Continue reading

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The Meaning Of Redemption

As Leo Strauss said: “The Jewish people and their fate are the liv­ing witness for the absence of redemption. This, one could say, is the meaning of the chosen people; the Jews are chosen to prove the absence of redemption. … Continue reading

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Dating A Go Go

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Trainwreck follows the script of Manhattan-centric media. There is a type of sorority clique of writers, pundits and assorted fellow travelers that pushes the themes that Schumer presents. View them poisoning yet another generation of … Continue reading

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How Do You Deflect The Bull Dyke?

* When I was a kid I thought dykes were hot. Now that I have seem many of them, they could not be further from hot. I remember one evening trying to share my experience, strength and hope with a … Continue reading

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Heshy Fried: Tznius and big boobs don’t mix

Sara Kohn: My taharat mishpacha teacher in high school used to talk about her minimizers and their effectiveness ad nauseum. Chaya Miriam Fried: Enter the “frummie slouch” Kalman Goldstein: Is that in Mislei or Pirke Avos?

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