Monthly Archives: June 2015

What About A Confederate Flag Wedding Cake?

If we go to a bakery and want a cake made with a Confederate war flag, can we sue you if you won’t do it? Chaim Amalek writes: “What about a gay wedding cake in the shape of a swastika? … Continue reading

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Banning The Confederate Flag Because Of Slavery

If you want to remove the Confederate flag from public ground because of slavery, then you would have to remove the Bible as well because the Bible accepted the institution of slavery. What ancient symbol has no connection to slavery? … Continue reading

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Won’t Somebody Think Of The Children?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The *reason* that suburbs sprang up in the first place, and therefore commutes and the freeways necessary to enable them, is so White people (and rich enough blacks) can escape from diversity. The single passenger, … Continue reading

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Does Cultural Nationalism Work?

Can you weld a united and cohesive nation-state consisting of many different races and religions? Does cultural nationalism work? It is so much more acceptable to the current zeitgeist than racial nationalism but from where I stand, it seems that … Continue reading

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The Puritans Were Forerunners Of The Seventh-Day Adventists

When I read up on the Puritans, it reminds me of how I was raised as a Seventh-Day Adventist in Australia and California. I think I have a fair idea of the strengths and weaknesses of Anglos vs Jews. Both … Continue reading

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