Monthly Archives: June 2015

Do Whites Have Legitimate Group Interests?

North Carolina’s second largest newspaper publishes this letter to the editor: “We believe that all people in all communities deserve to have their human dignity respected and valued,” wrote UNC-Chapel Hill professor Hong-An-Truong and Duke professor Nayoung Aimee Kwon in … Continue reading

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NBC: Google Preaches Diversity But Hiring Numbers Still Lag

Shocking! NBC reports: Google’s workforce is still dominated by white and Asian men even after the Internet company hired a woman to fill one out of every five of its openings for technology jobs last year. The ongoing lack of … Continue reading

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Don’t show what you don’t want others to look at

Ladies, it does not seem complicated to me. Don’t show off your body if you don’t want guys staring. I often see professional women wearing ridiculously short skirts and then tugging them down all our therapy session. Don’t wear clothing … Continue reading

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Strange Days!

A hot Jewish chick tells me: The strangest thing just happened to me. So I’m at this coffee shop. This really good looking well dressed guy sits next to me and he starts talking to me. I ask what he’s … Continue reading

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Social Justice Warriors Victorious! Soros’s $33 Mil Paid Off!

Heather MacDonald writes: The nation’s two-decades-long crime decline may be over. Gun violence in particular is spiraling upward in cities across America. In Baltimore, the most pressing question every morning is how many people were shot the previous night. Gun … Continue reading

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