Monthly Archives: June 2015

Are Men Smarter Than Women?

Dr. James Thompson writes: “The paradox about sex differences in brain being greater than for intelligence has, to my imperfect recollection, been attempted to be resolved in three main ways. 1) Men are in fact brighter than women, though girls … Continue reading

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Why Would A White Baby Fetch More Money Or Drugs?

Daily Mail: ‘Guaranteed white, so don’t come at me cheap’ This is the worst kind of racism.

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The Decline Of Christianity In America

I had this discussion on FB. Luke: As a churchgoing Christian, Tom, do you welcome the decline of Christianity in America (eg that Pew Research poll)? As an outsider, I don’t understand why any country that was once dominantly one … Continue reading

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I Don’t Notice Israel Taking In A Lot Of Boat People

How come it is a big deal when Russia does hasbara but not when Israel does it? Comments to Steve Sailer: * The sad part was getting my vaguely not exactly entirely pro-Israel comments deleted multiple times from Instapundit multiple … Continue reading

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Report: Brooklyn, NY – Black School Bus Driver Sues Borough Park Satmar School Over Slurs, Owed Back Pay

I cannot believe this. Not the Satmar I know. Chaim Amalek writes: Nebech, when Moshiach comes the shvartzes will get down on their knees and BEG us to hire them to drive the kinder to Yeshiva with only a smile … Continue reading

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