Monthly Archives: June 2015

What Is My Greatest Strength?

I was asked in a job interview for my greatest strength. I was stumped because there are so many. To you, what is my greatest strength? (I said, “Listening.”) Chaim Amalek: “I would say that it is using my blog … Continue reading

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34 Children by 17 Women

Comments to Steve Sailer: * By Dad and Coy Mom standards,, he’s a monstrosity. But come on, those aren’t his standards and he wasn’t hard-wired to understand them. By Cad and Slut standards, he’s a fine man, contributing to his … Continue reading

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Crushing Modern Architecture

Comments to Steve Sailer: * One feels so naked, alone, and antlike crossing the barren, windswept plaza around the Boston City Hall. I could feel my steps quickening as I walked, turning my head to-and-fro, scanning the nearby rooftops for … Continue reading

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Going All Out On World War T

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I used to think that World War T didn’t have much potential. I mean, very few people are trans, and of those who are, most are repulsive. I always thought that they couldn’t produce enough … Continue reading

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The Friendly MO Rabbi

The leading Modern Orthodox pulpit rabbis tend to not to be particularly friendly. Kalman Topp, Asher Brander and Steven Weil are exceptions. They’re people people. Most of Modern Orthodox rabbis seem to want to spend no more time with their … Continue reading

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