Monthly Archives: June 2015

Black CNN Anchor Calls Dallas Gunman’s Actions as ‘Courageous and Brave’

CNN anchor Fredricka Whitfield said Saturday: “It was very courageous and brave, if not crazy as well, to open fire on the police headquarters…” I mention she is black because blacks and whites tend to have opposite attitudes towards police … Continue reading

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Cooper: World’s silent acquiescence of Palestinian Jew-hatred is helping to destroy any chance for peace

Rabbi Abraham Cooper writes: At a graduation ceremony of a kindergarten, sponsored by a women’s charity organization in the West Bank town of Anabta, preschoolers wearing uniforms and carrying toy guns performed a song routine. A picture of PLO founder, … Continue reading

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Jenna Jameson’s Surprising Turn Towards Judaism

From Page Six: The conversion is a surprise considering how outspoken Jameson has been in the past about her Catholic faith. “I’m very religious,” she told Larry King in 2013. “I think that we’ve come a long way religiously. I … Continue reading

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Orthodox Jews And America’s Culture Wars

Elliot Resnick writes: Jews in pre-war Europe tended to fear fundamentalist Christianity. They knew that Christian fervor often led to expulsions, blood libels, and forced conversions. Indeed, when Russia’s Queen Elizabeth barred all Jews from her realm in 1742, she … Continue reading

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Is Jenna Jameson Sincere About Wanting To Convert To Judaism?

Rabbi Rabbs writes: I believe she’s sincere, and she wants to have a kosher conversion. She’s into the whole Jewy thing, and even shops for kosher Shabbos meals right here in my area at Glatt Mart. The more she learns … Continue reading

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