Monthly Archives: April 2015

Black & Hispanic Applicants Passing Teaching Exam At Lower Rates Than Whites & Asians

From the New York Times: A federal judge is questioning whether a new exam for aspiring teachers in New York is discriminatory against minorities, a case that could derail the state’s efforts to create a more rigorous set of tests … Continue reading

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The Gentile Hate That Dare Not Speak Its Name

Michael Weinreb writes for Rolling Stone about the white freshman basketball star: Here are a couple of things I learned about Grayson Allen by perusing his bio on the Duke basketball website: He graduated cum laude (of course he did) … Continue reading

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A Lecture On The Seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe

Rabbi Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff says: “Having spent a lot of time around Gedolei Yisrael (great rabbis), the more intelligence you have, the more critical you are. You have to learn a lot of mussar to remove that negative outlook to be … Continue reading

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New York Post: Mila Kunis snaps at reporter: I don’t identify with Ukraine

Report: A topic that really set the “Black Swan” actress off was Ukraine, the country she was born in and lived in until she was 7. “I’ve talked about me moving to America in a hundred interviews,” she told Whitty. … Continue reading

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Publishers Not Thrilled With Comments From Race Realists

From Digiday: Traffic from Drudge can be a double-edged sword. Commonly heard gripes from publishing executives is it comes in the form of spikes that are hard to foresee, so unlike Google and Facebook, it’s hard to optimize to. The … Continue reading

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