Daily Archives: March 31, 2015

Does Jon Stewart’s Replacement, Trevor Noah, Have a Jewish Problem?

David Steinberg writes: Yesterday, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency appeared to be the first media outlet to notice a disturbing tweet from Comedy Central’s new hire Trevor Noah, who is pegged to replace Jon Stewart as host of the Daily Show: … Continue reading

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A New Direction For America

The United States has decided to go in a new direction. As part of our reorganization, we would like to make you this one-time offer, expiring in six months, of $50,000 to leave the country.

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Steve Sailer: When the Mafia Got as Organized as the ADL

Steve Sailer writes: The Simon Wiesenthal Center and L.A.’s Museum of Tolerance were co-founded by the late subprime mortgage robber baron Roland Arnall, who got extra rich talking Latino immigrants into taking on high interest mortgages they couldn’t afford. I … Continue reading

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