Does Jon Stewart’s Replacement, Trevor Noah, Have a Jewish Problem?

David Steinberg writes: Yesterday, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency appeared to be the first media outlet to notice a disturbing tweet from Comedy Central’s new hire Trevor Noah, who is pegged to replace Jon Stewart as host of the Daily Show:

South Africans know how to recycle like israel knows how to be peaceful.

— Trevor Noah (@Trevornoah) June 2, 2010

Late this evening, author and former Conservative MP Louise Mensch found several more:

Behind every successful Rap Billionaire is a double as rich Jewish man. #BeatsByDreidel

— Trevor Noah (@Trevornoah) May 7, 2012

Luke: I notice the media bending over backwards to be gentle with Trevor Noah, because he’s half black.


* Great illustration of progressive double-standards.
The guy has an obvious pattern of ugly anti-Semitism and misogyny.

Michael Richards says the N-word in a nite-club act – any potential friends or defenders run and hide – is crucified on national news – and must go on a teary-eyed apology tour.

This guy is a half-black ( symbolizing a stand-in for Barack Obama, psychologically for progressives ) – South African ( favored nation status ) and ready to join the Holy Grail for progressives – Daily Show.

So they rush to apply the soothing balm – mitigating circumstances – oh, it all happened years ago. Oh – he’s just a comedian – not a politician. ( If you ever looked at – you would know that Jon Stewart is regarded as a political figure by progressives).

* He’ll learn soon enough that for his audience the only acceptable object of hate is Republicans…

* These jokes made me cringe not because they’re offensive, but because they’re just so DUMB. Not funny in the least. And you’d think Comedy Central would have done a social media check before hiring him? Stupid all around.

* John Stewart can cross the line, but NOT ANYONE WHO IS NOT A MEMBER OF THE “tribe”. You can only target Christians, Muslims, Arabs, Putting, Iran, Gaddafi, Southerners, Hillbillies and rednecks.

Them are the rules.

I didn’t make them.


* Distasteful, and not very good jokes aside, do we really need yet another foreign (Canadians don’t count) comedian getting a major hosting job where the can lecture the USA on everything that is wrong with us while ignoring how screwed up the rest of the world is. This is three in the last year by my count, 2 Brits and now a South African. It’s not like there is a lack of American comedians who hate America.

* I think the reason this is so disturbing (to me, YMMV), is that all the Daily Show correspondents so far have been like Caesar’s wife and beyond reproach in how they conduct themselves. Even if you disagree with their politics, or find them unfunny,
From Colbert to Carrell to Wiltmore to even Jason Jones (the most bro-y, frat boy like of them all), I don’t get the sense that they are terrible people, or that they go after low hanging fruit when it comes to comedy. Even when they skirt the line, I trust their intent.

With this Noah person, I dont feel the same way. Maybe I’m mistaken and these tweets and what have you are taken out of context. But he’s on probation as far as I’m concerned.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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