Daily Archives: March 31, 2015

Still Keen On President Obama?

Dennis Prager writes: 1. President Obama refuses to identify the greatest world evil since Nazism and communism. We all know it is a variation on Islam, whether it is called “radical Islam,” “Islamism,” “Muslim extremism” or “jihadis.” But the president, … Continue reading

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From Ferguson to Netanyahu

Dennis Prager writes: Remember the “Hands up, don’t shoot” narrative that dominated American media and all of the protests against a white officer’s shooting of Michael Brown, a Black teenager in Ferguson, Mo.? It was all a lie. Never happened. … Continue reading

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Social Shaming

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Social media is a powerful tool. One reason the Left is winning is the Right doesn’t fight out of fear. On Facebook all my lefty friends and family use their real names as they spew … Continue reading

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Why Not A White House At USC?

USC has Jewish groups and black groups. Will it get a safe place for white people to hang out? From The Los Angeles Times: When some USC student government leaders voiced support for creating a cultural house for black students, … Continue reading

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What’s The ACLU Up To These Days?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The ACLU opposes censorship of library books, but supports making libraries unbearable to visit by representing horrible-smelling homeless people who want to hang out all day in the library. In my experience, librarians are really … Continue reading

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