Daily Archives: March 19, 2015

Violence Is The Quality I Want In A Defensive End

Playing defense is largely a matter of size and quickness. Blacks overwhelmingly man the speed positions in the NFL, particularly on defense. My favorite football team, the Dallas Cowboys, signed defensive end Greg Hardy this week. ESPN: “Some fans will … Continue reading

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Don’t Like The Test Results? Scrap The Test!

The New York Times reports: “Many law school deans, bristling from criticism that they are replenishing their ranks with less academically qualified students as the number of law school applicants has fallen sharply, began to openly question the mechanics of … Continue reading

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Starbucks Wants To Talk About Race

Comments to Steve Sailer: * It would be hilarious if someone from Steve’s readership could conduct a street-level social science experiment by getting hired by Starbucks and, you know, talking about race with customers who just want to buy coffee, … Continue reading

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Happy Hump Day!

* I was going about my way humbly and quietly, following G-d’s commandments, and the shiksa next door says to me, “Happy Hump Day!” L-rd, send Moshiach now! * Just heard a Jewish parent berate his teenage kid for putting … Continue reading

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