Daily Archives: March 8, 2015

The Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Estate Was Worth $57,000

Rav Samuel Belkin of YU similarly died poor. Rabbi Rakeffet contrasts this behavior with all the Jewish crooks, including murderers, who put on kipot and act all religious. There have been articles written on whether or not it affects a … Continue reading

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Fascism Was A Reaction To Liberalism

Anthropologist Peter Frost writes: Conservatives, particularly in the Roman Catholic Church, were pointing out that liberalism would eventually destroy all traditional identities—the family, gender, kinship, ethnicity. Since these identities are nonconsensual, they violate liberal principles of personal freedom and individual … Continue reading

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We Need Moshiach Now!

* A Google search on “Christians loving Jews” revealed 6,100 results while a search for “Jews loving Christians” revealed 51 results. Sarah Silerman is a great window into some secular Jewish attitudes. * Why do so many age-appropriate women on … Continue reading

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Israelis Think Americans Are Suckers

Jeff writes: I used to work at a jazz club owned by three Israeli cousins. I once had to go to one of the owner’s retail shops to pick up some chairs from storage. The shop was a jeans-and-sneakers store … Continue reading

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Random Acts Of Kindness

I was deeply moved that when I came to shul early this morning and sat in the corner sipping coffee and eating my protein bar, another Yid brought me a Gemara turned to the correct page for the Daf Yomi. … Continue reading

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