Daily Archives: March 6, 2015

John Mearsheimer: What Mondoweiss Means To Me

You don’t often find scholars praising a blog. What grabs my attention here is that I have always thought of the pro-Israel crowd as the good guys and the anti-Israel crowd as the bad guys. So while I still think … Continue reading

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Are Democracies More Likely To Be Peace-Loving?

I’m enjoying this long profile of John J. Mearsheimer: Tragedy begins with a forceful denial of perpetual peace in favor of perpetual struggle, with great powers primed for offense, because they can never be sure how much military capacity they … Continue reading

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Massage Parlors

LA TIMES: Huntington Beach city leaders have imposed a 45-day moratorium of new massage parlors in the beach town after the number of massage business skyrocketed from eight to 74 in a five-year span. The moratorium approved this week takes … Continue reading

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What About The Earnings Disparity Between Jews & Gentiles?

How long will our government stay silent about the shocking disparity? ‪It’s larger than the male-female earnings gap. Haaretz: “According to that survey, 46 percent of American Jews had household incomes of more than $100,000, and 12 percent take in … Continue reading

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NYT: In U.C.L.A. Debate Over Jewish Student, Echoes on Campus of Old Biases

I don’t see anything shocking, appalling or horrible in the following story. All that happened is that four students got caught saying out loud what most people think (they make choices based on their group interests). It seems to me … Continue reading

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