Daily Archives: March 4, 2015

Do IQ Differences Matter?

Linda Gottfredson writes: Life is complex, and complexity operates like a headwind that impedes progress more strongly for individuals lower on the IQ continuum. Everyone makes cognitive mistakes, but lower intelligence increases the risk of error. Take, for example, health … Continue reading

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LAT: Man killed by LAPD officers on skid row was Cameroonian national, feds say

Why are we letting in people from a backwater like Cameroon? The more dead bank robbers, the better in my view. Who let this low IQ thug in the country? The average IQ in Cameroon (central Africa) is 64. LAT: … Continue reading

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Chinese Anchor Babies

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Under the present regime the feds stick us taxpayers with the bill for this federal investigation of birth tourism rackets – another cost burden that our Dear Rulers force us to bear. This whole schmear … Continue reading

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Queer’s Pleas For Help Were Hoax

CINCINNATI — A plea for help on social media spurred an overnight search effort in the Tri-State — but police say the whole thing was a hoax. At about 12:30 a.m. Tuesday, local gay rights activist Adam Hoover, 20, started … Continue reading

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Deport Muslims To Cut Crime

REPORT: Norway recently made the controversial decision to deport a large amount of Muslims with ties to radical groups. Despite all the liberals in Norway deeming this “racist”, the logical party went ahead with it and the result almost shut … Continue reading

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