LAT: Man killed by LAPD officers on skid row was Cameroonian national, feds say

Why are we letting in people from a backwater like Cameroon? The more dead bank robbers, the better in my view. Who let this low IQ thug in the country?

The average IQ in Cameroon (central Africa) is 64.

LAT: Federal immigration officials said Wednesday that the homeless man shot and killed by Los Angeles police on skid row was a Cameroonian national but provided no other details about the man’s true identity.

Authorities had initially used fingerprints to identify the man as Charley Saturmin Robinet, the name he was using when he was convicted of a 2000 bank robbery in Thousand Oaks.

But French officials came forward late Tuesday and said Robinet is a law-abiding citizen who is “alive and well in France.” The man killed during Sunday’s altercation with LAPD officers, they said, had stolen Robinet’s identity and used it to acquire a French passport to come to the U.S. in the late 1990s.

The man who called himself Robinet in the U.S. was set to be deported in 2013, near the end of his 15-year prison sentence for the bank robbery, said Virginia Kice, a spokeswoman for U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement. Because of his claims of French citizenship, she said, U.S. officials contacted their counterparts in France to get the necessary travel document to deport him.

Kice said French officials initially issued the document but “then rescinded it after determining the subject was, in fact, a national of Cameroon.”

After that, Kice said, ICE officials reached out to authorities in Cameroon, but they “repeatedly failed to respond to requests for a travel document.”

Because ICE couldn’t get the documents needed to deport the man, Kice said, he was released from custody in November 2013. Under a Supreme Court ruling, individuals must be released from ICE custody if they have been detained for six months and “the actual removal cannot occur within the reasonably foreseeable future,” Kice said.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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