Monthly Archives: March 2015

Jews & Free Speech

Comments to Fred Reed: * When Jews were on the rise and challenging wasp elite power, they needed all the free speech protections they could find. It was a time ethnic balance of power when wasps, Jews, Catholics, Irish, etc … Continue reading

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Holocaust As A Code Word

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Guilt-mongering is a serious business, Steve. Sometimes I think that, if you were a Mossad agent deliberately trying to draw anti-Semites to comment on your board to record their IP addresses, you’d be doing precisely … Continue reading

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Let’s Talk About Reproduction

A reader suggests: “If you want to reproduce couldn’t you just buy an egg of some high IQ woman and then pay for a Mexican to be the surrogate mother for it? If you don’t have the money for it … Continue reading

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What Does It Mean To Be A Man?

Nietzsche teaches that we should love our fate. Here is a quote from Oswald Spengler: “We are born into this time and must bravely follow the path to the destined end. There is no other way. Our duty is to … Continue reading

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To All The Girls I’ve Loved Before

I’ve dated a lot of girls who went to Harvard, but yeah, none of them wanted to marry me. Darren Melamed Tell us about all the girls who DID want to marry you. Luke Ford They were co-dependent and didn’t … Continue reading

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