Monthly Archives: March 2015

Should Asians Adopt American Names?

If Asians or blacks or Muslims or Jews or any group don’t want to adapt American names and American ways, they can always move out of the country. If you want to live in America, you should abide by American … Continue reading

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Rabbi Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff Shocked There Isn’t Automatic Internet Censorship

Does Judaism side more with censorship or free speech? It’s not clear, but there’s certainly a strong censorious side with the rabbinate. Rabbi Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff rejoices in gifts from his students. In this March 1, 2015 talk, he says: “One … Continue reading

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Israel Does Not Want Africans

A serious country would not want immigrants that are difficult to assimilate. Israel is a more serious country than America. Chaim Amalek: “Nebech, how can they continue to deny themselves the benefits of diversity that such immigrants bring? And aren’t … Continue reading

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Japanese Losing Free Speech Right To Insult Korean Immigrants

REPORT: OSAKA–The Osaka High Court on July 8 upheld a lower court ruling that banned public rallies blaring racist insults and awarded compensation to a Korean school targeted by the taunts. The court rejected the appeal filed by Zainichi Tokken … Continue reading

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It’s Time To Get Old Testament On Tinder

Last night, as a time saving move, I was clicking like on every Tinder profile 18-40 within 100 miles of me, when suddenly up popped a message that I would have to pay if I wanted to like more profiles. … Continue reading

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