Monthly Archives: March 2015

Are America’s interests and Israel’s interests identical?

If not, are the differences large at times? Does America have any vital national security interest in the Middle East? If so, what? Christoph Donnellan: “No, they’re not, but then U.S. Mideast Policy is dictated by the Israel Lobby, i.e. … Continue reading

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Should Everybody Have To Say, I Am A Jew?

Sounds ridiculous to me. Do Jews really want this kind of flattery? REPORT: Czech Republic President Milos Zeman on Monday urged the global community to show solidarity with the Jewish people and Israel. His remarks were made in a speech … Continue reading

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New Rape Case At Duke University

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Steve have you been paying any attention at all to what’s happening at Duke right now with Rasheed Suilemon? The facts seem to be: (1) Suilemon goes to some sort of camping retreat. At the … Continue reading

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Do IQ Differences Matter?

Linda Gottfredson writes: Life is complex, and complexity operates like a headwind that impedes progress more strongly for individuals lower on the IQ continuum. Everyone makes cognitive mistakes, but lower intelligence increases the risk of error. Take, for example, health … Continue reading

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LAT: Man killed by LAPD officers on skid row was Cameroonian national, feds say

Why are we letting in people from a backwater like Cameroon? The more dead bank robbers, the better in my view. Who let this low IQ thug in the country? The average IQ in Cameroon (central Africa) is 64. LAT: … Continue reading

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