New Rape Case At Duke University

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Steve have you been paying any attention at all to what’s happening at Duke right now with Rasheed Suilemon?

The facts seem to be:

(1) Suilemon goes to some sort of camping retreat. At the end of the retreat one or two girls accuse Suilemon of sexual assault in front of the group.

(2) The girls never follow up and make any reports to anybody at the school or the police.

(3) Suilemon plays out the season, coming off the bench. Announcers during games refer to discipline and off the field issues with him all season.

(4) A staffer affiliated with the program leaves the basketball program for reasons that may have nothing to do with Suilemon, goes straight to the press to air out Suilemon’s dirty laundry.

(5) Coach K learns of the story, kicks Suilemon off the team.

(6) A lot of sports-media people are trying to Paterno Coack K right now. But, what is is duty to act when there is no kind of communication between any woman and either the school or law enforcement?

* I read Eugene PD’s report.

Three basketball players forced a girl into a party house bathroom then tried to rape her. She resisted.
After that, she took a taxi to the players’ apartment. Upon exiting, one of the rapists asked her for cash to pay cab fare. She didn’t have any.
Inside the apartment, she is forced into a bedroom and raped again. She cries. They stop. She spends the night (Artis) with one of the rapists, sleeping next to him and wearing his basketball shorts and shirt. In the morning, she has sex with him and takes a taxi home. She texts Artis (the same guy she was raped by and voluntarily had sex with) to let him know she arrived home safely.
Later that same day, she initiates contact with another basketball player, Joseph Young, meets and has sex with him at his apartment.
Is this behavior “normal” for anyone involved? Three men force themselves on a young woman. She resists but then immediately goes to their apartment. What did she think would happen? After being ganged, she didn’t leave. She voluntarily stayed, slept and had sex with one of the three. After going home for rest, later the SAME day, she voluntarily has sex with another basketball player.

The DA declined to prosecute anyone.

Victim and all three/four suspects are black.
Basketball coach is white. Clearly, everything is his fault. I hope she wins the lawsuit.

* I knew a campus police officer at a private university located in a large, eastern city who told me that they got about one or two rapes of coeds a month from random black men who were wondering through the campus.

We have all noticed how so many black men loiter around bars and clubs on friday and saturday nights, not going in, not buying anything, just making patrons feel uncomfortable. Some of them are looking to sell drugs, some are looking for things to steal or people to rob, some are looking for drunk women to rape.

I call this kind of behavior the “continuum of intimidation.” Black bad behavior tends to involve lots of testing for weakness and feeling out the social environment before they strike. First they loiter, then they block passageways and glare at people, then they verbally harass people, beg for money. If they are not chased out of the area, it escalates to snatch and grab robberies, armed robberies, rapes and murders.

Criminals of other races are more decisive and discrete. They try to avoid attention and get the crime over with quickly. Unlike blacks, they don’t like to loiter in the area before and after the crime. Blacks tend to toy with victims and make multiple test runs before going through with a clear cut robbery. This kind of wary behavior is more like how predators operate in nature.

* What’s with this penchant for gang sex amongst this group? Nathan McCall’s book ‘Makes Me Wanna Holler’ chronicles how he and his buddies used to engage in the sport of gang rape. Of course his written confession gets parleyed into a higher income bracket and pats on the back by liberals for giving us the authentic black experience. Same with E Cleaver’s ‘Soul on Ice’. Maybe these campus girls need to have their eyes opened in some way that makes an end run around the official narrative. It’s not just on campus; these women will be dealing with blacks for the next 50 years or so after graduation. It’s always best not to learn things the hard way.

More comments:

* Back in the 1960s my family lived less than a mile from Michael Brown’s death spot in one of the new housing developments being erected as an escape from St.Louis demographics. Attended the excellent Ferguson-Florrisant school district. In 1966 there were so many new students that the schools were on split shifts running 6am-noon and noon-6pm to handle them. Most of my neighbors were French, Anglo, and Italian who were seething with animosity towards blacks as they had grown up in St.Louis city and experienced their behavior first hand. Recall driving with my friends to their grandparent’s house in lovely 1920s-1940s brick homes then being surrounded by the burgeoning black population. We departed in 1969 just prior to the introduction of bussing, which had marvelous effects on local race relations. During a business trip in the 1980s drove through Ferguson-Florrissant area and was astonished at the black tide creeping northward. Frankly it is surprising that a major race debacle did not happen a long time before the Brown incident.

Bring on the DOJ lawsuit I say. Americans need a good expose of alleged white racism. Would dovetail nicely with the upcoming presidential election circus.

* Has the narrative ever collapsed as fast as the homeless guy they shot in downtown L.A.? He turned out to be a Francophone forger & Caliphone convicted armed robber. I can’t decide whether his supposed show-biz aspirations are also disturbing or just routine evidence of how mentally ill crooks make use of bad ideas.

* Chaim Amalek: Are Sudanese immigrants fretting about drafting the perfect online dating profile? Do their men concern themselves with blogging, or twitter, or tindler, or any of the other nonsensical things white people squander their youth on? I strongly suspect not.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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