Monthly Archives: March 2015

The Future Of Greater Israel

John J. Mearsheimer, “The Future of Palestine: Righteous Jews vs. the New Afrikaners,” in Antony Loewenstein and Ahmed Moor, eds., After Zionism: One State for Israel and Palestine, (London: Saqi Books, 2012), pp. 135-153: Israel is not going to allow … Continue reading

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Tinderella: A Modern Fairy Tale

Chaim Amalek: This fairy tale is racist to the core, as it depicts a white man’s “ideal” mate as a cis-objectified white woman with blue eyes and strawberry blond hair of the sort only white women can have. Why not … Continue reading

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What Are America’s Goals In Asia?

Political scientist John J. Mearsheimer writes: Let us now consider America’s goals in Asia and how they relate to Taiwan. Regional hegemons go to great lengths to stop other great powers from becoming hegemons in their region of the world. … Continue reading

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My Grand Purim

I am having a freiliche Purim and a great chuckle over those 75,000 Hamanites who met their doom at the hands of the Jews. Puts me in the mood for Passover, and the termination of all the first born sons … Continue reading

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Political Scientist John Mearsheimer: ‘A major threat to academic freedom today comes from the Israel lobby’

I never thought about the following points until I read this essay. I’ve always taken it for granted that Israel advocates are the good guys and anti-Israel advocates are bad guys. Perhaps the matter is more complex? Chaim Amalek: “It … Continue reading

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