Monthly Archives: March 2015

What About The Earnings Disparity Between Jews & Gentiles?

How long will our government stay silent about the shocking disparity? ‪It’s larger than the male-female earnings gap. Haaretz: “According to that survey, 46 percent of American Jews had household incomes of more than $100,000, and 12 percent take in … Continue reading

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NYT: In U.C.L.A. Debate Over Jewish Student, Echoes on Campus of Old Biases

I don’t see anything shocking, appalling or horrible in the following story. All that happened is that four students got caught saying out loud what most people think (they make choices based on their group interests). It seems to me … Continue reading

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George Soros & The Ferguson Protests

A Jewish friend says: “I, for one, do NOT blame George Soros’s 33 million and the Jew-owned and operated media for this false and fierce narrative.” Some left-wing Jewish organizations (such as the ADL and the SPLC and George Soros) … Continue reading

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What The World Needs

What this world needs is a central Registry of Jews so anyone can look a person up and get a fast answer. I think I’ll start one because I want to start notifying Yidden when the Moshiach shows up. Chaim … Continue reading

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John J. Mearsheimer & Anti-Semitism

University of Chicago political scientist John J. Mearsheimer is widely derided as an “anti-Semite”, a characterization I do not accept. What I find fascinating is that 15 years before he got into trouble with the Jews for his 2007 book … Continue reading

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