Monthly Archives: March 2015

WP: A mother’s fury: ‘After Birth,’ a novel by Elisa Albert

In my experience, Elisa Albert was furious before she ever gave birth. Having a baby was just one new way for her to claim victim status. WP: “By immersing us in Ari’s bottomless need and pain, Albert creates a deeply … Continue reading

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When the Chassidic Rebbe Danced with the Antisemites

I’d like to think that my blog does the same thing as the rebbe in this story. I suspect that the ADL, SWC and SPLC in this situation would have put out press releases and agitated to have the anti-Semites … Continue reading

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John Mearsheimer: What Mondoweiss Means To Me

You don’t often find scholars praising a blog. What grabs my attention here is that I have always thought of the pro-Israel crowd as the good guys and the anti-Israel crowd as the bad guys. So while I still think … Continue reading

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Are Democracies More Likely To Be Peace-Loving?

I’m enjoying this long profile of John J. Mearsheimer: Tragedy begins with a forceful denial of perpetual peace in favor of perpetual struggle, with great powers primed for offense, because they can never be sure how much military capacity they … Continue reading

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Massage Parlors

LA TIMES: Huntington Beach city leaders have imposed a 45-day moratorium of new massage parlors in the beach town after the number of massage business skyrocketed from eight to 74 in a five-year span. The moratorium approved this week takes … Continue reading

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