Monthly Archives: March 2015

Chaim Amalek: Nebech! Why won’t the goyim leave us alone?

Chaim Amalek writes: “When Moshiach comes goyellas will beg us to take pictures of them naked. Of course we will refuse, as we will all be too busy learning Torah day and night.” LA TIMES July 21, 2014: Nikita Levy’s … Continue reading

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The Morris Dees Divorce Papers

Chaim Amalek: “I read this until I saw that this step daughter had a goyishe name. Not a single bais din in America would accept her testimony, so why should we?” REPORT: Most young conservative activists see Mark Potok and … Continue reading

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Rachel Beyda & The Rule

Joe* emails: Western civilization (also known and referred to hereinafter as “Civilization”), right around the time that Eisenhower did his walk through tour of Auschwitz adopted a rule (the “Eisenhower Rule”) – you could not in polite company say or … Continue reading

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Am I Giving Off A Gay Vibe?

My therapist suggests I be more open with my emotions, instead of projecting a false front. OK, so it bothers me these guys in shul talk homo to me. They go on and on about how much they love me, … Continue reading

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Museum Of Tolerance Educating Police About Implicit Bias

The Museum of Tolerance and the Simon Wiesenthal Center are getting into the Ferguson racket. LOS ANGELES (AP): When law enforcement officers from around the U.S. visit the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles for training these days, they are … Continue reading

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