Am I Giving Off A Gay Vibe?

My therapist suggests I be more open with my emotions, instead of projecting a false front. OK, so it bothers me these guys in shul talk homo to me. They go on and on about how much they love me, want to give me a hug, want to give me a kiss, they go on and on about how much they want to embrace me. I don’t think they do this to other guys, so how am I giving off a homo vibe? Do you get that vibe from my FB posts? This has been going on for years and it has to stop. ‪#‎StraightPride‬

Chaim Amalek writes: “I suggest that you make an effort to behave in more manly ways. For example, you spend a lot of time talking about your feelings, sharing them across various platforms, and so forth. Manly men do not do this, and neither should you. Manly men ignore the advice of women and Jews to the contrary, keep their feelings all bottled up inside. Sure, this results in the occasional explosion, but explosions turn women on. Also, and it pains me to say this as it applies to me, but there are certain assumptions that validly apply to men who have reached their forties without ever having sired a child or married a woman. So aging closeted twinks who know your history may be using that history and be playing the odds and probing you for an opening.”

Lilian D’Or: You’re a handsome guy, Luke. Maybe these two characters are just playing around and don’t mean anything by it. Yes, maybe the accent could be causing it. Us Americans are not used to it. I had a friend from the commonwealth who was accused of being effeminate but, he was ALL MAN!

David N. Scott: They can tell it bugs you…

Luke Ford: Where I come from, guys don’t talk about loving other guys.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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