Monthly Archives: March 2015

What Is Crimestop?

From Urban Dictionary: Crimestop refers to the ability to stop short of any thought that might be heretical or unorthodox before it is even thought, as if by instinct. It is the ability to misunderstand analogies, fail to perceive logical … Continue reading

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How Can You Express Your Hatred Of Jews These Days?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Being anti-Israel is the only partially socially acceptable way to oppose Jews, so at least some people do it for just that reason. Still, the only sane resolution to the situation is one state. The … Continue reading

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A Jewish Dilemma

* A Jewish dilemma — when the only person who wants to rent your place on AirBNB for the weekend is shvartze. * Just saw a secular Jew get stuck into an Orthodox jew for using the word “Shvartze.” * … Continue reading

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Hate Facts

LINK: The intelligence scores came from work carried out earlier this decade by Richard Lynn, a British psychologist, and Tatu Vanhanen, a Finnish political scientist, who analysed IQ studies from 113 countries, and from subsequent work by Jelte Wicherts, a … Continue reading

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The Tefillin & The Pork Sandwich

Last night, I heard Rabbi Moshe Greenwald​ (Chabad in downtown Los Angeles) tell stories about putting tefillin on a secular Israeli who was holding a pork sandwich in his unwrapped hand, and of Chabadniks wrapping tefillin on Jews outside a … Continue reading

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