How Can You Express Your Hatred Of Jews These Days?

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Being anti-Israel is the only partially socially acceptable way to oppose Jews, so at least some people do it for just that reason.

Still, the only sane resolution to the situation is one state. The Jews on the West Bank aren’t going anywhere; the territory is in all but name in the state of Israel. So that fact has to be formally recognized.

* Conservatives: The meaning of life is Israel worship.

Liberals: The meaning of life is NAM worship.

* It’s hard to know what that would look like. Jews realizing they’d been wrong all along? recognizing that their ethno-tribal instincts that had seemed so successfully self-preservatory for so long were in fact terribly destructive of the one nation in human history which had (inanely) welcomed and accepted them? perhaps moving beyond a general apology for the societal-fabric-rending nature of their recent decades-worth of group endeavor to a more specific apology for their insistence on specific falsifications of their and our history, faux memorials to which are under continuous construction?

That all seems unlikely.

Might it not be more realistic to consider whether the debacle is not in fact what is intended? The dissatisfaction, real or fabricated, of a few can have no arguable standing, one would think, beside the genuine satisfaction that the chosen must have at seeing a hated culture, ours, in irreparable ruin. As a great man once said, “As a lone ant, from a broken anthill, from the wreckage of Europe: ego scriptor…”

* I follow a smart, cynical, fast-on-his-feet California Jewish finance guy on Twitter. He only occasionally talks politics but when the UCLA thing happened he suddenly lost 50 IQ points, saying “I could see a Jewish student getting baited in a flyover city but I can’t believe this is happening in LA!”

I’d like to think that people like that are teachable but what bizarre and ignorant paranoia from a guy who’s on point 99% of the time.

* Younger Jews, myself included, often discovered in college that they had zero Victim Points and were viewed by the Vibrant as Haven’s rich cousin. And Haven’s dorm room was a much more natural place to hang out than DeShawn’s. The rate at which the politics of American Jews changes will to some extent be limited by the rate at which Jewish demography changes.

* What whites should do is think in terms of ‘we are all Palestinians’.

It’s wrong to frame this is terms of nationalism vs victimhood.

All nationalisms have a victim narrative, and all victimhoods have a nationalist element.

So, why not defend white nationalism along with all the non-white nationalisms? Let each non-white group watch out for its nationalism/victimhood, and let whites do the same.

Now, which nationalism/victimhood should whites side with?

Jewish or Palestinian?

I say Palestinian. Jews have played a two-faced game for too long and have done too much damage. Just look what they did to Russia despite Putin’s generosity to Jews.

Enough already.

Whites should empathize with Palestinian nationalism since whites and Palestinians have a common enemy.

* John Derbyshire: “I thus have some hopes for the new generation of Jews. For years I have been patiently explaining to race-realist friends who grumble about Jewish enforcers of orthodoxy that no social movement in the West will get anywhere unless it can recruit some smart Jews. Jews are the word people par excellence. To publicize, convert, propagandize, and litigate, you need Jews.”

* One of the reasons conservative white people do this is that it’s one of the few forms of ethnic pride acceptable for white people. As your commenter noted, Jewish pride is a kind of subset to white pride. Consciously or unconsciously, white Americans in general and white Christian evangelicals in particular have adopted pro-Israeli and/or pro-Jewish sentiment as a covert form of white pride.

One of the things I’ve started to pick up on since becoming an iSteve regular is how widespread this impulse is. People who are denied the right to openly engage in boosterism for their own tribe will simply channel these feelings into other, more socially-acceptable outlets. “Nerd pride” and Portlandia-style Hipsterism are almost certainly covert forms of white pride. The overwhelming affinity Jewish intellectuals had for various flavors of communism during the 20th century was almost certainly a sublimated form of ethnic nationalism at a time when open expressions of Jewish pride were more problematic.

This is why, unlike a lot of other folks on the Unz Review, I don’t get too worked up about Israeli or Jewish control of the American media or American politics: I suspect that much of this purported pro-Israeli sentiment is largely an undercover way of rooting for white people. It’s an expression of the envy white Americans feel for the way Israel is permitted to act forthrightly and without apology in advancing its own interests. They’d very much like their own country to be allowed to act the same way, and their fanboyish attitude towards Israel is a subversive way of expressing support for policies — like tough border enforcement and strict immigration rules aimed at promoting their culture — they’d like to see in America.

You can see the same dynamic at work in the admiration some old-school conservatives have for Putin’s Russia. I doubt many of those folks actually LIKE Putin or want to duplicate Putinism in the West; giving props to Vlad P. is just their way of critiquing their own societies.


* It may be that these fools are deluding themselves that the left is not anti-Semitic, only anti-Zionist (this used to go on in the Soviet Union also) but that’s all it is – a delusion. It’s a short step from excluding Israelis from academia to excluding supporters of Israel to excluding Jews in general as PRESUMED supporters of Israel. Maybe if the Jew in question takes a pledge in which he publicly professes not just that he is indifferent to Israel but that he HATE HATE HATES the Israeli oppressors, he might get an exemption as an honorary anti-Zionist. But we could never REALLY trust him or put him in a position of authority. He might always go back to blood.

Now if there’s one thing that Jewish leftists are, it’s oblivious to certain things, despite their supposed smarts. Once you are wearing your ideological blinders, you can’t see what’s coming at you from your own side.

And Steve is right that 3rd worlders are immune to the magic Jewish Holocaust guilt-trip mojo that works so well on whites. They see themselves as having no responsibility for that, so whatever happened 70 years ago has NOTHING to do with their attitude towards Israel and Zionists.

Have Jewish leftists painted the Jews into a corner? It wouldn’t be the first time – Jewish communists ended up contributing to the irreparable harm to the Jewish community in the Soviet Union. Will it happen in the US? It has already – in case you haven’t noticed, Barack Obama is no great friend of Israel.

* Will Jews get the message if Rahm Emanuel loses in Chicago? Probably not! Still, it’s nice watching the rainbow coalition turn on Jews a bit. Jews, not zionists, destroyed America, and I’m not going to forget that any time soon.

* There are Liberal Jewish-Americans and Liberal Palestinians-Americans. Both groups mostly vote Democratic, but they don’t see eye-to-eye on history, Israel/Palestine conflict, and the Middle East. They may agree on individual self-determination, but if most Jewish-American individuals support the Zionist cause and if most Palestinian-American individuals support the Palestinian cause, where does that leave us? Also, as there are many more powerful Jewish-American individuals than there are powerful Palestinian-American individuals (Edward Said was a rare exception), the Liberal Individualism of Jews will have far greater sway than the Liberalism Individualism of Palestinians.

Black Liberalism is very tribal and racial. So, is Brown Liberalism of the La Raza ilk. And Homosexuals are very much into homosexual identity and empowerment.

If anything, American Liberalism, via the neo-tribalism of ‘multi-culturalism’, has encouraged every minority group to see itself in terms of its tribal-victim-hood under straight white gentile males.

In a way, this served Jewish interests as well.

After all, if Jewish-American Liberals had fully accepted assimilationist and universalist doctrine of abstract liberalism, then they would have had no reason to preserve their Jewish identity, interests, history, and politics, especially in relation to the Holocaust and Israel. Victim-hood, no less than ‘racism’, is tribalist. Victimology is rarely about all of humanity suffering under oppression. Rather, it emphasizes WE or OUR TRIBE victimized by THEM or SOME OTHER TRIBE. Thus, victimology can never be truly liberal. A true liberal would say, regardless of which group harmed which other group, it was really just a case of one bunch of people harming another bunch of people since all nations, cultures, and even race are just ‘social constructs’. But victimology doesn’t work that way. It collectively sanctifies one tribe as holy victims of another tribe that is made out to be wicked vermin.

The Holocaust narrative doesn’t say one people (who mistakenly saw themselves as ‘Aryans’) harmed another people (who mistakenly saw themselves as ‘Jews’, another ‘social construct’). It says, evil GERMANS–and their gentile white collaborators–killed innocent JEWS.

Victimology blames an entire people for the ‘sins’ of some of their ancestors while elevating another entire people for what some of their ancestors had suffered. So, even Germans who opposed Nazism are to be blamed for the Holocaust whereas even Jews in America and elsewhere who weren’t endangered by the Holocaust get to play the Noble Victim card.

There was once a time when leftism and liberalism sought to bring all people together as cosmopolitan individuals. But it didn’t work out that way since it takes money, privilege, and intelligence for people to become cosmopolitans. Most people never had the means to be so sophisticated.

But then, even people who did become cosmopolitan and liberal didn’t entirely give up their tribalism. There are black cosmopolitans who stick to black power and identity. Eric Holder and Charles Blow. And Jewish cosmopolitans are pro-Zionist. And Latin-American elite cosmopolitans play the anti-gringo card all the time. And homo-cosmopolitans or coshomopolitans are all about ‘gay power’.

Anyway, since the Left had problems pulling all the minority groups together as one abstract demography of proles or ‘oppressed’, it played the neo-tribalist card through multi-culturalism.

This way, each group—blacks, browns, yellows, homos, Muslims, American Indians, feminists, , and etc, etc—would get to play up their tribalism BUT as victims of straight white gentile males. That way, the Liberal alliance would get to enjoy their own tribalisms while attacking the tribalism of straight white gentile males. So, the narrative goes on and on about ‘white privilege’, it is very shush about ‘Jewish privilege’ or ‘homo privilege’ or ‘mulatto privilege’.

But then, this is the problem of Liberalism. It has too many contentious tribalisms in its own rank. They are held together in alliance only by shared hatred of the common enemy: straight white gentile males. But if white straight gentile males were to vanish from the planet, there’s no way the Liberal coalition could stay together. Angry blacks, rich Jews, sneering homos, bitchy feminists, bitter Muslims, gorky Asians, and etc. don’t have much in common. And without ‘white privilege’ to focus on, most people would begin to notice Jewish power and privilege.

Indeed, Liberalism is now defined by contradiction of cultural separatism and racial mix-ism.

Multi-culturalism says every cultural identity should be preserved instead of being soft-genocided via assimilationist process of the melting pot. So, each cultural identity should guard and preserve itself instead of melding with white mainstream Americanism.

On the other hand, Liberalism says all races should mixed and be mongrelized and mulattoized and mestizo-ized.

Now, how can separate cultures be maintained if all the races are mixed? If someone is 1/8 Bantu, 1/8 Mexican, 1/8 Chinese, 1/8 Jewish, 1/8 Arab, 1/8 Armenian, 1/8 Indian, and 1/8 German, what culture does he belong to and what culture should he preserve?

Liberalism, as it currently exists, makes no sense. It’s more about tactical machinations than principles based on abstract vision of truth.

* From Joe Slovo (no peace be upon him) to Helen Suzman to Harry Schwarz, South African Jews were at the forefront of anti-apartheid activity, leading of course to the current miserable state of affairs there for whites in general and Boer farmers in particular.

* South Africa has one of the world’s highest rape rates. There is a slang word “jackrolling” for the gangs of men who run around gang-raping women.

* Jews of the Boomer generation and earlier mostly preached diversity and the equality of all peoples long and hard, to the world, and to their children. Yet, obviously, they sang a different tune when it came to their views on Israel and the Jewish people. The Boomers and earlier mostly married other Jews, and supported Israel fanatically.

But their kids bought into the diversity and equality of all peoples message — the “nobler” of the points of view — and both married outside the clan, and perceived the racism of Israel. There’s no real way for Jews as a people to avoid the internal conflict within their points of view, and its consequences; that bell has been rung. The irony is that Jews, who have practiced rigorous endogamy for over a thousand years, and to impressive effect, will, at least in the US, almost certainly dissipate into the crowd like flatulence in a hurricane. And Israel will increasingly be shunned by the Jews and, mostly, fractional Jews of the newer generations.

This is why I mostly find rather ridiculous the idea that Jews in America are involved in some grand, concerted, and cunning scheme to take control of the US and the world. This is no way to run a conspiracy.

Where are the Elders of Zion when you need them?

* Multi-ethnic states tend not to last. And they tend to end in rivers of blood.

If you look at why states split up, the top 3 reasons are language, religion, and ethnicity – in that order.

Ethnic differences are easier to overcome than religious and language differences. Most people can get along with others who look different if they talk and worship the same.

Human nature is that most people want to be ruled by leaders who look, act, talk and worship like they do.

* Race purists are often atheists (or Odinists or some such). They have no religion in their lives so they underestimate the tremendously bonding (and divisive) effects of religion.

Even the whole “Bowling Alone” study had two caveats – common military service and common religion as social glue that counteract interethnic loss of social cohesion and trust. When you fight and die together and/or undergo the same, communal religious rituals, strong bonds can form that transcend ethno-racial differences.

That doesn’t mean we ought to import millions of aliens into the country, but it does mean that race differences are not everything.

* Yes, who can forget that time Pat Robertson, Shmuley Boteach, and the Pope beheaded Muslims on a beach? I see moral equivalence drawn all the time, the President is fond of citing Medieval Crusading Christians to justify the latest ISIS horror, but its moral equivalence at its most lazy and stupid.

Christianity for better and worse, is at the heart of the West as being Greek/Hellenistic Humanism writ onto Jewish monotheism. With given the Trinity more of the Hellenistic Humanism than the monotheism. Hating Christianity is hating Hellenism, you can read any of the Greek philosophers and they echo much of the New Testament and Jesus teaching specifically. Its why Nietzsche hated Christianity calling it a slave religion (accurate too) and preferring the Greek Heroic tradition. But Achilles was a literal dead end and the power of the West comes from not sulking in a tent denied glory in battle but male cooperation from Christianity.

Its as dumb to hate Christianity as it is to believe America fought for Israel (Pat Buchanon has to be one of the all time worst peddlers of this — so stupid he believes like Obama his own BS). Presidents hostile to Israel (FDR, Ike, Kennedy, LBJ, Bush I), indifferent (Nixon, Carter, Clinton), and friendly (Truman, Reagan, Bush II) have overthrown Mossadegh, armed Saddam, bombed Saddam, fought Saddam and kicked him out of Kuwait, overthrown Saddam, sank the Iranian Navy, all in service to the US dominating the Gulf and protecting America’s most vital ally: the House of Saud and its oil that can be pumped out of the ground at a budget-break even point for them at around $60-70, purely economic at around $20-30 (putting aside regime survival based on patronage). But then you’d have to stop believing in magic and understand the world runs on oil and how much it costs.

Israel is a marginally ally of usefulness like the Egyptians, but a sideshow to the House of Saud and Gulf domination. Of course Obama has thrown away 70+ years of Persian Gulf domination to make himself feel good, a result of racial change: not enough White people wanting cheap gas and too many Asians viewing America as a rental Apartment Complex and Hispanics as apathetic and mildly hostile to White America.

Why do White people care about Iran getting nukes? They don’t want to move to South Central LA — America’s racial segregation depends on cheap (enough) oil and gas.

Its always at the bottom, about the money.

For those not following the America Flag battle at UCI, we’ve had the edifying spectacle of Asian female students screaming at 93 year old WWII veterans holding up the Flag. Said Asian female students looking either Malaysian or Indonesian. I.E. Muslim from their dress on CBS video on Tuesday evening; for those interested in searching it out. Takeaway: young non-Whites don’t care and are hostile to, traditional American nationalism and symbols, and in particular older White veterans who would demand respect from a majority White nation or area.

Background: the UCI student council voted to ban the American Flag as a symbol or racism and colonialism that would make some students uncomfortable around a good deal of the campus. It made national headlines and was vetoed by the Student President but goes to a vote to the full Student Council.

The measure was pushed by a student named Guevera, and supported by the South Asian Muslim students with lukewarm support from Asian students. Several were quoted in the LAT to the effect that they don’t feel any affection for America or the Flag, viewing both as aspects almost of a rental apartment complex they plan to leave soon.

Asian does not always mean Chinese, it can mean Muslim as well. Orange County has a sizeable South East Asian population aside from Vietnamese, Cambodians, and Filipinos. You can find fairly rare martial arts here: Penjat from Indonesia, stuff from Malaysia, and so on.

Twenty or thirty years ago, UCI was nearly all White. Logan’s Run was filmed partly on campus, it is still physically a very nice place. But it has just walking around almost no White students. Even Orange County is defacto White minority.

Anyone thinking this is *JUST* or even primarily about Jews is mistaken, and should lay off those Nigerian emails. Flying the Flag at UCI, various BDS stuff at UC, is all about POWER. Who has it, who wields it, who uses it to make money and advance causes.

Its already showing up in weird places: The FT has a story on Indian Hedge Fund Firms save $4,000 a month minimum on labor by doing mouse-click trading as opposed to HFT at the exchanges, again all about the money. Jews in finance can’t compete against cheap Indian labor in Bombay, any more than diamond cutters (Jewish) in Amsterdam, NYC, or Israel could compete against semi-slave Indian child labor.

Mass immigrant labor is destabilizing because it lowers wages for native workers, introduces a mass (Jews by definition are not and cannot be MASS*) of people lobbying for ever more of their friends and relatives to take up scarce employment, student slots in universities, and passions of their homelands.

It is also destabilizing because as the Flag Fight at UCI shows, mass Third World immigrants cannot and don’t want to adopt the symbols of America or mutually sacrifice for it — instead viewing the place as a post office box of convenience, at best, at worst a place to boss around and run.

*Jews are estimated by Google at 13.9 million world wide. TFR for Ashkenazi Jews is something like 1.1, around Italian self-annihilating levels. There are 120 million Mexicans for example, and VDARE estimates perhaps another 50 million in the US illegally. That’s 170 million not counting born in America people of Mexican ancestry; and TFR is 2.2; much higher for Immigrants.

One thing you don’t find with Jews these days: large families or successful political dynasties. As opposed to the fertility of the Kennedy, Biden, and Pelosi clans, with lots of sons and daughters in politics (the Kennedys in particular seem to hang around no matter how many ski into trees or fly planes into the ocean) as opposed to one daughter for Dianne Feinstein, two for Barbara Boxer, and two for Charles Schumer. Fertility matters and Jews just don’t have much. Berman and Waxman for example have two kids apiece and neither seems to have done the Kennedy thing — get their kids into a safe seat like say the Bidens and Bushes have done repeatedly.

America could swallow all of the World-Wide Jewish population and it would amount to about a quarter of the illegals here from Mexico, give or take. With as noted abysmal fertility and not much habits of drive by shootings or screaming at WWII vets about the Flag.

* Japanese-Americans are more likely to be laid back, long-haired surfer dudes nowadays, unfortunately. Koreans will at least carry rifles and fight off black-brown rioters when the fecal matter hits the rotating device.

* I am a contract background investigator for the U.S. Govt (OPM) on security clearances. There is a huge number of new hires in the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service for Immigration Officers. I would say about 90% of the backgrounds I do on these new hires were born in a third-world country (POBs that seem to come up a lot: Somalia, Burma, Vietnam, Cambodia, Sudan, Haiti, Jamaica). Most were born, raised, and went to school in the third-world country (their quasi-college degrees are from there). They all get top secret security clearances (only one percent of all applicants are denied a security clearance by the U.S. Govt/DSS). Some are dual citizens and already hold top secret clearances (a periodic review investigation).

It’s going to be more of a clusterf*ck in the coming decades than the most pessimistic iSteve reader can imagine.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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