Monthly Archives: March 2015

Ashley Judd to press charges over vulgar tweets during Kentucky game

She sounds like the ADL and the SPLC and the SWC. What exact charges will she be pressing and how? REPORT: Actress Ashley Judd said she’s pressing charges against the cyberbullies who explicitly attacked her on social media over a … Continue reading

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Occupied Bathrooms Are Bad For The Jews!

Oy vey! I’m in pain! I take all these magnesium tablets at night to help me sleep, but the next morning, there’s hell to pay. Chaim Amalek: “You should burst into that occupied bathroom like a Zionist settler immigrating to … Continue reading

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Ferguson Real Estate Values Crash Thanks To Racial Agitation

The Jewish state is Israel. Everywhere else Jews live, they are, perhaps, in exile. In the diaspora, Jews might be nomads. Germans, by contrast, can be expected to have ties of blood and soil to Germany, but German Jews, much … Continue reading

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Will Mexicans Save America?

Economist: “PREVIOUS immigrant groups typically saw progress with each passing generation, but Hispanic numbers have a habit of stalling or even heading backwards. American-born children of Hispanic immigrants tend to be less healthy than their parents, have higher divorce rates … Continue reading

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Why The Decline Of Violence In The West?

Comments to anthropologist Peter Frost: * One interesting aspect of the punishment of criminals in the Sinosphere is a concept of shared familial responsibility. If a person committed a crime, not only the criminal himself would be punished, but often … Continue reading

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