Occupied Bathrooms Are Bad For The Jews!

Oy vey! I’m in pain! I take all these magnesium tablets at night to help me sleep, but the next morning, there’s hell to pay.

Chaim Amalek: “You should burst into that occupied bathroom like a Zionist settler immigrating to Palestine in ’47 on the Exodus, plant your flag, and violently expel whoever is in there.”

* One of my Alexander Technique students just got cast as the lead in a new network TV show.

Chaim Amalek: “Hashem wants us to control tv for reasons like this, just as he wants the Irish to drink and drink and drink. Jewish mastery of Television is all but written into the bible.”

* Just heard the Mexican help tell a Jew: “You can do it later.”
Jew, dripping with sarcasm: “Thank you for that.”

Is there any example in history of a low-IQ group not hating its high IQ overlords? I’m thinking about black and latino Jew-hatred in particular. If you have a 90 IQ, how could you not hate those with IQs way about your own, particularly if they are of a different race?

* This old man keeps offering me butterscotch lifesavers. My parents warned me this would happen.

Luke: “My parents said I would be particularly vulnerable because of my pretty boy looks.”

Old Man: “Why? Because you could charge more?”

* I asked a friend: “So that 20yo UCLA girl I met in your succah, does she have a BF?”
He said: “It won’t work, she’s not shomer. You’re way too pious for her. You need somebody in therapy, that could be manipulated easily with low self esteem.”

Friend: “If I had your accent, I’d have the girls lining up at my door.”

“You’re not responding, are you stalking me, trying to dig up some dirt in the middle of the convo? Or are you pretending to work, as your boss passes you?”

Luke: “I was blogging about Israel’s elections dammit!”

Friend: “Rabble rousing?”

Luke: “A lot of people want to know what I think and I don’t know what I think until I ask my friends what I think.”

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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