Monthly Archives: March 2015

Black Rapper Says She Hates White America

I don’t blame blacks for hating whites. I think it is normal, natural, and to some degree, healthy. All closely identifying in-groups, such as blacks, Jews, Muslims, tend to have some hostility to out-groups. I believe in Genetic Similarity Theory. … Continue reading

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Is It Time For Jews To Leave Europe?

The comments on this Atlantic piece by Jeffrey Goldberg are excellent: The next Prime Minister of the United Kingdom is likely a Jew. He is very open and proud of his ethnic background. He can be because it’s an electoral … Continue reading

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Is Israel Sustainable?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The really interesting question: is Israel sustainable? Can a welfare case like Israel (in such a tiny sliver of hell) survive into the 22nd Century? Who’ll be Israel’s sponsor going forward? We’ve gotten a taste … Continue reading

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Chinese Birth Tourism

Comments to Steve Sailer: * This is not the work of Sistah Soujah, Madeline M. O’Hara, Andrea Dworkin, Black Panthers old or new, Occupy Wall Street or any number of university professors or other Fox News bogeymen. This is the … Continue reading

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Flyover Country

* “…everything between LA and NY is basically Nazi Germany.” (My friend Alex Trivunovic making fun of my group) Christoph Donnellan: “Goy country, where people are patriotic, go to church, and look down on transgenderism and ‘same-sex marriage.’ Shades of … Continue reading

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