Is Israel Sustainable?

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* The really interesting question: is Israel sustainable? Can a welfare case like Israel (in such a tiny sliver of hell) survive into the 22nd Century? Who’ll be Israel’s sponsor going forward? We’ve gotten a taste that the US Democratic base (the majority of the country) couldn’t care less about Israel, at best, and is hostile, at worst. When Whites are a quarter of the population of the US in 2080 or so, where will poor Israel turn?

Demographically, of course, Republicans are finished. They will never win another presidency so it won’t matter what the neo-Cons think of them. Look to the neo-Cons to refashion themselves (double down on open borders and social liberalism) and try to regain control of the Democrats’ foreign policy. But that can only last so long.

Obama is young–that’s huge. He’ll be the powerbroker and spokesman for NAMs for the next decade at least, regardless of who’s in the White House. Once out of office, once no longer in need of his Jewish handlers, what then? I see him looking back at his eight years as President and being pretty pleased with himself. He may or may not appreciate it, but his race protected him from 99% of the criticisms that should have come his way. He thinks well of himself. Only one group has pretty much told him to his face or in books that they think he was over his head and clueless. Bibi has insulted him again and again. I mean, brutally insulted him–we’re talking taking the attitude of White men pre-Civil rights era. Larry Summers has written how he was schooled during 2008-10. I don’t think Obama will forget or forgive, not someone with his over sized ego. It will be interesting.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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