Monthly Archives: March 2015

Is There An Ideal Chair?

Raquel Baetz writes: When my repetitive strain injury became too painful to ignore anymore, I was using a top-of-the-range ergonomic chair, specially designed for computer use. I still got injured. Why? Because no chair can prevent musculoskeletal disorders such as … Continue reading

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Why Are Jews Left-Wing?

Stephen Steinlight writes: * As a Jew (one who was once solidly left-liberal and held a high position in one of the country’s most prominent Jewish Establishment organizations) I find nothing remotely offensive about Congressman King’s assertion that most Jews … Continue reading

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We All Have A Worry Budget

Eric writes: My personal guess (and I think there’s some preliminary evidence pointing to it) is that every person has a personal “worry budget” that will be fully “spent” regardless of the actual level of threat to oneself. We’re now … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: What We Can Learn from the Dreyfus Affair About Haven Monahan, Ferguson, Duke Lacrosse, Etc.

Steve Sailer writes: The Dreyfus Affair in France, 1894-1906, was similar to many recent controversies in America, such as Haven Monahan, Ferguson, Trayvon, Duke Lacrosse, and others going back to Al Sharpton promoting Tawana Brawley’s gang rape hoax against white … Continue reading

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Top New York Times Comments On The UVA Rape Fraud

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I think most readers understand the truth notwithstanding the NYT’s efforts to muddy the waters. Here are the top ranked comments: “Universities need to stop acting as the intermediary when there is rape with a … Continue reading

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