Monthly Archives: February 2015

Sex & The Jews

Are Jews more obsessed about sex than other people? That’s the complaint of many people who don’t like Jews. That was one of Hitler’s complaints about Jews in his book Mein Kampf. I say Jews are a reflection of Judaism’s … Continue reading

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The Death of the WASP

A severe chastisment of the erstwihile American elites by a unique figure, a right-wing Jewish anti-neocon Paul Gottfried by Paul Gottfried A remark by Richard Brookhiser in April in a syndicated column in the New York Post about “how we’re … Continue reading

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Acting White

Will book clubs keep black felons from repeating their crimes? Count me as skeptical. The Washington Post reports: They were all teenagers then, charged as adults for their violent crimes. At the D.C. jail, they found solace in a book … Continue reading

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German Jewish leader: Don’t wear yarmulkas in certain areas

Here are more clashing group interests. Muslims are clearly the implacable enemies of Jews right now and I suspect most Jews in Europe and America would prefer their continents were free of Muslims. REPORT: Joseph Schuster discourages Jewish visibility in … Continue reading

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What Do You Call Animus Towards Gentiles?

Steve Sailer writes: “When I was at UCLA’s MBA school in the early 1980s, a retailing professor had to warn female gentile students that they’d never get promoted beyond Buyer at any of Los Angeles’s major department store chains. Funny … Continue reading

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