Monthly Archives: February 2015

ISIS Burned A Pilot, So What?

America fire bombed Dresden and Tokyo during World War II. How is that so very different? The Allies deliberately fire bombed tens of thousands of civilians, cooked them alive. ISIS kills a combatant pilot. Daily Beast: “ISIS released a video … Continue reading

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Two Hundred Years Together

Brian C. Anderson writes about the new biography: Mahoney devotes a chapter to defending Solzhenitsyn’s two-volume history of the relations between Russians and Jews, Two Hundred Years Together, from the accusations of anti-Semitism that some have made against it. The … Continue reading

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Jews in Bed

A hot female Jewish friend of mine who’s been around says: “Your FB friend who says Asian women are willing to fuck Jewish men and pretend it was good. She’s off her rocker. I’ve had a good amount of sex … Continue reading

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Israel Shows The Way Forward

Anthropologist Peter Frost writes: Westernization seemed to be the secret to success. In the 19th century, Ashkenazi Jews embraced it with the fervor of the newly converted, using Yiddishkeit as a vehicle to spread the ideals of the Enlightenment—progress, freedom, … Continue reading

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The Jewish Laws Of Proper Speech

I’m listening to some classes on lashon hara (forbidden speech according to Torah) on and I am disappointed by how ignorant they are. presents Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman as an expert in this topic. Fourteen minutes into one … Continue reading

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