Monthly Archives: February 2015

Our Democratic Heritage

Blog post: Anybody with a 3rd grader out there better check out their new textbook from McGraw-Hill; Wondering whether elementary school students are truly indoctrinated in the left wing agenda? Well, wonder no more. They are; and it’s worse — … Continue reading

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Are Jews Safer In Europe Than In Israel?

Steve Sailer writes: “Netanyahu’s implication that Jews are safe in Israel. Apparently, in the leader of Israel’s judgment, Jews shouldn’t worry all that much about the Iranian nuclear program, Gaza tunnels, Hezbollah rockets, or all the Arabs in the world … Continue reading

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Gender Journey: From Old City Rabbi to Female Author

Chaim Amalek: “Different ages have different sacred cows. The man who wants to dress in women’s clothes, wear makeup and especially cut off his penis and testicles is today’s sacred cow, placed on a moral pedestal by white liberal elites … Continue reading

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Since When Is ‘Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein’ A Native Son Of Denmark?

Here is the New York Times headline on the Denmark terror attacks by a Muslim: “Terror Attacks by a Native Son Rock Denmark” Since when is anybody named “Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein” a native son of Denmark? NYT: This weekend … Continue reading

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Love At First Sight

So do you believe in love at first sight? What if you see someone across the room and she smiles and your whole being explodes? I’m not talking about lust. I’m not talking about seeing somebody and all you can … Continue reading

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