Monthly Archives: February 2015

Wisdom From Kanye West

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I Did It For You!

A friend opens up a bottle of kosher peanuts and insists I take some. Luke: “No thank you.” Friend: “I did it for you.” Luke: “That’s what Jesus said on the Cross. And again, no thank you.” * I have … Continue reading

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Some Jews Suffer From Pre-Traumatic Syndrome

This is not how I was raised as a WASP. I was taught to keep a stiff upper lip and to not complain… Things have changed since I converted to Judaism. I’m listening to some Jews go into Pre-Traumatic Syndrome, … Continue reading

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What’s going on with Patton Oswalt?

REPORT: Last year he caught flak for tweeting an iSteve article about PC being a war on noticing. Then it came out that he’s been friends for some time with Jim Goad, the hilarious writer for Taki, who’s pretty much … Continue reading

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Selma & The Forward Distorts History by Airbrushing Out Jewish Communist Contributions to Civil Rights

On January 5, 2015, the Forward had this long pious op/ed that begins: “When filmmakers choose what to include or exclude from the stories they tell, their choices often have repercussions beyond the drama on the screen. In films based … Continue reading

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