Monthly Archives: February 2015

NYT: Even as Many Eyes Watch, Brutality at Rikers Persists

And I would have expected that kindness and gentility would rule the day at Rikers prison. How shocking that there’s hard behavior going on there. I would think they would all have tea and cucumber sandwiches every day and discuss … Continue reading

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LAT: Women are leaving the tech industry in droves

The Los Angeles Times reports: That’s a huge problem for the tech economy. According to the industry group, computing jobs will more than double by 2020, to 1.4 million. If women continue to leave the field, an already dire … Continue reading

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Jewish Women & Black Men

Yezter Hara: “Do you find white and asian women more feminine than black women?” Luke: “Yes.” YH: “Is it weird that I find arab women more attractive than black or hispanic women.” Luke: “Not weird to me.” YH: “Or are … Continue reading

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Jews & Their Rebbes

Comment: Didn’t Kevin MacDonald say that guru-ism is a bigger thing among Jews than among wasps and whites? Guru-ism is about loyal admiration and worship of a great man of learning and spirituality in Jewish tradition. The man is seen … Continue reading

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Smells Like Teen Spirit

Many people ask converts to Judaism if they feel accepted by other Jews and some converts complain about a lack of acceptance. I’ve found that most Jews I’ve known accept me 100% as Jewish and treat me indistinguishably from others … Continue reading

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