Monthly Archives: January 2015

What’s The Difference Between Race Realism, White Nationalism & Dark Enlightenment?

Tom Wolfe, Steve Sailer and John Derbyshire are race realists. Jared Taylor, Kevin MacDonald and Greg Johnson are white nationalists. I don’t really know the Dark Enlightenment too well. Race realists are often Jew-friendly while white nationalists rarely are. According … Continue reading

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Things Are Moving Fast

I just watched the 20-minute preview of a full-length documentary on white genocide. It is now a private video. Note the playing of Israel’s national anthem, HaTikva, 53 seconds in. That’s the only explicit mention of Jews, but we all … Continue reading

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Maladaptive Daydreaming

I just emailed a friend: “Thanks for the call! I’m well, all over the flu, back at shul in the mornings. Right now I’m listening to a video on maladaptive daydreaming so I’m going to wander back into that world.” … Continue reading

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My Therapist Says I’m Not A Loser

Chaim Amalek: “In America, you are only a loser when you can no longer afford to pay someone to tell you that you are not.”

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What Are The Prospects For Peace In The Middle East?

The average Arab IQ is about 85, the same as for American blacks. The average Ashkenazi Jewish IQ is 105-112. Has there ever been a lasting and meaningful peace in the history of humanity between two groups with such a … Continue reading

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