Monthly Archives: January 2015

The Narcissist and His Addiction to Excitement

This video tells the story of my life. Sam Vaknin: “Narcissistic supply — admiration, adulation, and attention — is exciting. When narcissistic supply is available, the narcissist feels elated, omnipotent, omniscient, handsome, sexy, adventurous, invisible, and irresistible. When narcissistic supply … Continue reading

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What Really Happened To Harry Reid?

He keeps getting these hideous injuries that he attributes to exercise mishaps but that does not ring true. What’s really going on here?

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The West Has Executed People For Speech

I shudder that a German was put to death for writing nasty things about Jews. Charlotte posts: “The Streicher trial was the worst travesty of the Nuremburg fiasco. Streicher published a hateful magazine. In that respect, he wasn’t much different … Continue reading

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Submission & The Camp of the Saints

Steve Sailer writes: In 2022, Marine Le Pen wins the first round with, say, 45% of the vote. The mediagenic Muslim party candidate, who finishes fourth with 10%, announces that he will advise his followers to not vote in the … Continue reading

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My Last Dinner Date With A Jewish Girl

It was our first time out. She was secular. I was Orthodox. We had met at a Shabbat dinner that Spring. Now we were having a weeknight meal at a kosher restaurant in 90035. After the food arrived and we … Continue reading

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