Monthly Archives: January 2015

The Japanese Reputation For Honesty

From ABC News: The earthquake and tsunami that walloped Japan left much of its coastline ravaged, but left one thing intact: the Japanese reputation for honesty. In the five months since the disaster struck, people have turned in thousands of … Continue reading

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What Loyalty?

A friend gives me a hard time for my inability to care for the Los Angeles Lakers the past two years now that they’re losers with no relief in sight. “Either you’re fan or you’re not,” he says. Another friend: … Continue reading

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My Brilliant Narcissistic Career

Sam Vaknin says: The narcissist often strikes people as laid back, parasitic, spoiled, and self-indulgent. Appearances can deceive. Narcissists are either compulsively driven over-achievers or chronic under-achieving wastrels. Most of them fail to make productive use of their capacities. Many … Continue reading

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All in-groups hold varying degrees of hostility for out-groups

Chaim Amalek: “My sense is that orthodox Hasidic Jews are more hostile to mainstream WASPS than mainstream WASPS are towards orthodox Hasidic Jews.” Luke Ford: “Yes, but only because Hasidic Jews have more in-group solidarity. Not because of anything else.” … Continue reading

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Games Are For The Goyim

Sports plays no role in Judaism (while the Greek-influenced New Testament is filled with references to athletics). My rav poseks that the only Jew allowed to watch a game is an owner or someone who takes bets. Let the goyim … Continue reading

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