What Loyalty?

A friend gives me a hard time for my inability to care for the Los Angeles Lakers the past two years now that they’re losers with no relief in sight. “Either you’re fan or you’re not,” he says.

Another friend: “Luke doesn’t know the meaning of loyalty. Luke was born a Christian, now he’s a Jew. It’s like he starts the game as a Laker, and then if they’re trailing at half-time, he puts on a Knicks uniform.”

“What’s the name of your team, Luke? The Sydney Turncoats? The Ford Advantageous?”

Chaim Amalek: “The future does not belong to the Godless, muscle-less cartoonist of the increasingly geriatric left, but to the virile men and women of Islam, who see what they want and then dare to take it. Once, we were such men as they, but not for many years now. Fratricidal, pointless war in 1914 plus its denouement (Bolshevism, Nazism, WW2, decolonization, open borders/open rectums etc.) have left the white man a pale shadow of what his forebears were. To dare to be a man these days the White Man of the West has but two choices: Vladimir Putin and Islam. The choice is obvious: ALLAHU AKBAR!”

“I urge you to face your destiny: to lead a haj of Jew and Christian men over to the one place where our anally-receptive elites cannot go to deny a man the right to be a man: Islam. Begin with the residue women of porn, then use them as a lure for the men. What homo or feminist would dare oppose you in your jihad against them? Islam is the last refuge of the White Man.”

“I swear to you this is the truth: If Islam attracted more hot women and white people in general, I’d give it some serious consideration. Consider its opposite, Ethical Culture and (as it is practiced in Manhattan) Unitarianism. No contest.”

“Luke, just think how different your life would be today if instead of tuning in to Dennis Prager on that fateful day, you had caught a broadcast from some defiant Muslim preacher. You would have become a warrior for Islam, of that I am certain. But what would your Muslim name have been? Lahi’ah al-Austraylia perhaps. Or Levi ibn Abrahim.”

“Also, I shall venture the opinion that Muslim Men do not vex themselves with talk of sex addiction or other such inventions of 19th century apostate Jews or their followers. Want to think of a world without Marx, without Freud, without Friedan? Then think of Islam. Islam offers the purity of existence that so many of the lost white men of the Judaized Christian West seek. Islam – the chance to be a man without having to apologize for it.”

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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