Monthly Archives: December 2014

Jews & America

Chaim Amalek: “Nebech, such is the plight of the Jew who chooses to live outside of Eretz Yisroel, where he can be as nationalistic as he likes and know that it is the will of God that he be so.” … Continue reading

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Random Murders Of Native English By Immigrants

REPORT: Kriss Donald was murdered by five Pakistani invaders in 2004, at age 15 due to immigration.[13] Christina Edkins was stabbed to death by a Black African invader in 2013, at age 16 due to immigration.[14] Aaron Dugmore commited suicide … Continue reading

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Why Does American Choose Sides In The Middle East?

Jared Taylor wrote soon after 9/11: On September 11, President George W. Bush explained to us on national television that “America was targeted for attack because we’re the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world.” Two days later, … Continue reading

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The Birth Of American Renaissance

Evelyn Rich emails me April 11, 2016: Your information about me, my education and my personal relationships is all wrong. I did not graduate from Boston College. I do not have a doctorate in history. I did not “couple” with … Continue reading

Posted in American Renaissance, Anti-Semitism, Holocaust, Jared Taylor, Jews, KKK, R. Mayer Schiller, Whites | Comments Off on The Birth Of American Renaissance

Is Christianity A Good Thing?

Jews tend to have ambivalent feelings about Christianity. The more traditional the Jew, the more likely he is to regard it as idolatry. From a Jewish perspective, how could saying a man was God not be idolatry? White nationalists are … Continue reading

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