Monthly Archives: December 2014

Whatever Happened To Right And Wrong?

Elliot Resnick writes: In recent decades it has become increasingly popular in Orthodox circles to answer every question by appealing to halacha. Must I inform a cashier that she has undercharged me – what does halacha say? May I attend … Continue reading

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A Left-Wing Jew With A History Of Christian-Bashing Wrote That Bogus Rolling Stone Article About Rape At UVA

Proud Jew and anti-white fabulist Sabrina Rubin Erdely operates the website where she describes herself as an “award-winning freelance magazine journalist.” Her topics? “Erdely specializes in long-form narrative writing, especially about crime, health and social issues. She has written … Continue reading

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May God save the children of Israel from their leaders

When NYPD Chief William Bratton leaves, and his policies are rolled back, and the crime and chaos begins like before, remember tonight, rabosai. Just like the chasidim, the neo-chasidim pay no heed to rational thinking or reality. Like the regular … Continue reading

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How can we Jews profit from the rise of China, now the world’s dominant economic power?

Chaim Amalek: Some Yidden, mostly secular types and, nebech, nebbishes who could not get themselves a Jewish woman have been marrying them. I say we should respectfully approach the Chinese about setting up a Jewish Autonomous Zone somewhere in China, … Continue reading

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Jews & America

The United States is the most pro-Jewish country that has ever existed, but this will change as America’s demographics changes. Orthodox Jews are more likely than secular Jews to understand it is a problematic thing for Jews to get involved … Continue reading

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