Monthly Archives: November 2014

Subway Adding Thick Bulletproof Barriers Between Customers & Staff

An increasing number of Subways in high crime areas are adding thick bulletproof screens between customers and staff, just like banks have. Another bonus for American racial diversity. I bet Japanese restaurants don’t need these barriers. I bet most Australian … Continue reading

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A Day In The Life Of Dennis Prager

Oct. 31, 2014, Dennis Prager said on his radio show: “I get up perilously close the show time [which is 9 am, so Dennis Prager probably gets up about 8 am]. I do all my work at night, all my … Continue reading

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A Jewish View Of Replacement Theology

On Oct. 31, 2014, Dennis Prager took a call from Arthur, who said: “I disagree with your characterization of Replacement Theology as anti-Semitic.” Dennis: “Did I say anti-Semitic? It’s theological embezzlement. Replacement theology means that every time it says Israel … Continue reading

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The Only Time Dennis Prager Experienced Terror

On Oct. 31, 2014, Dennis got a call from Buck: “You speak Russian and you traveled several times to the Soviet Union. I was wondering if you were ever contacted by the FBI or the CIA or debriefed?” Dennis: “I … Continue reading

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Muslims Take Babies To Mosque Roof, Drop Them For Blessings

LINK. Adam Parfrey: “Michael Jackson picked up on this ritual.” Chaim Amalek: “Why do white Christian westerners think they get to tell Muslims how to raise their children?” Adam Parfrey: “Westerners have no right to tell Muslims not to murder … Continue reading

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