Monthly Archives: October 2014

The Case For Greater Israel

God promised Abraham all the land between the Nile and the Euphrates. Sounds like greater Israel to me. I expect we’d run this territory more effectively than anyone else. Now if we could only push out the non-Jews here who … Continue reading

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America, Australia & The Jews

I’ve been talking to Hasidic Jews who’ve lived in Australia. One told me that he could never walk home from shul on a Friday night in Sydney’s posh East side without having some white Australian hurling curses at him. It’s … Continue reading

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Jews & Draft-Dodging

During WWI, Jews served in the German armed forces at a higher rate than their percentage of the population. I’m not sure that has been true in America. Most American Jews who’ve discussed this topic with me see no moral … Continue reading

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Power Poses & The Alexander Technique

Imogen Ragone tells Robert Rickover: “Leaders in the animal kingdom and among humans had the same characteristics — high levels of testosterone and low levels of cortisol… Animals and humans alike were more expanded. They made themselves bigger. From there … Continue reading

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Is Donald Sterling An Anomaly Among Jews?

A 1994 University of Chicago sex survey, the most comprehensive of its kind, found that Jews have more sex partners than any other ethnic and religious group, more than twice as many as Catholics (who have the fewest of any … Continue reading

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