Monthly Archives: September 2014

The Lust-Free Marriage

On this video 22 minutes in, a husband says: “Lust within my marriage has been a struggle for me. It says in our literature that sex is optional. I’ve had to give up the desire to initiate sex with my … Continue reading

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Looking For His Dad

In this 12-step lecture, a homosexual man says: “When I was in that lifestyle, I would change from my regular clothes to my cruising clothes because you’ve got to look good. You’ve got to pump iron. When I finally got … Continue reading

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Joe Biden Says Jewish Influence Is Immense

Jews usually hate this type of talk in public because it makes them a bigger target, the same way that when the Dallas Cowboys became known as “America’s team” in 1978, it made them a bigger target for rival teams. … Continue reading

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The Ukraine Crisis Is The West’s Fault

Over the past year, I’ve found John J. Mearsheimer my favorite foreign policy expert. He writes: …the United States and its European allies share most of the responsibility for the crisis. The taproot of the trouble is NATO enlargement, the … Continue reading

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The Jewish Drive To Change The World

Growing up a Seventh-Day Adventist, I never heard anyone boasting about canceling their newspaper subscription, but I hear this from Jews all the time (particularly the Modern Orthodox who are hyper pro-Israel). I guess they feel it is social proof … Continue reading

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