Monthly Archives: September 2014

Prejudice Against Southern Whites

Here’s a smart comment on the Bruce Levenson fiasco: “In my experience southern whites are much more comfortable around blacks than any other whites, but especially those from the North and Midwest. Maybe Bruce is kind of dense, or maybe … Continue reading

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A Race War In Sydney?

A friend down under says: “It’s likely there’s going to be a race war in Sydney soon – very scary and sad – I’m glad I don’t live there. He’s been making very inflammatory comments and going around stalking women … Continue reading

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Eric Holder: I’m the Attorney General but I am Also a Black Man

On his radio show Aug. 21, 2014, Dennis Prager said: “That the Attorney General of the United States goes to Missouri and announces that I am the Attorney General but I am also a black man. What if the prosecutor … Continue reading

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Are Any American Or British Whites Flying To Iraq To Join ISIS?

Whenever I see pictures of Americans and Brits who’ve joined ISIS, they are never white. They’re always black or dark. Islam attracts a low IQ crowd. I suspect there aren’t a lot of college graduates in ISIS. What do ISIS … Continue reading

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Looking For Intimacy

Here’s a great share from a Sexaholics Anonymous meeting: “[When] I began to tell God exactly what I was thinking, feeling and doing, I had spiritual intimacy with God. That’s the solution today for me in my program, not only … Continue reading

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