Monthly Archives: September 2014

Why So Many Broken Traffic Lights In LA?

Daniel writes: Does anyone know why there are so many broken traffic lights throughout Los Angeles? Is it just a coincidence that this happened around Sept. 11? Did this happen in other cities in the US? Could it be a … Continue reading

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Why Are We Naturalizing Terrorists From Yemen?

Why are we allowing in anybody from the Arab and Islamic worlds? Why take that risk? Who was responsible for allowing this guy to become an American citizen? I say, no more immigrants. Islam and immigration are two things that … Continue reading

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Why Are We Sending 3,000 American Troops To African Countries Infected With Ebola?

Why are we spending a billion dollars on this? If African countries want to fight Ebola, let them pay for it. Why is it any business of ours? My foreign policy is simple — defend America against invasion, including the … Continue reading

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Are Russians White?

Comment: “Physically they are, but behaviorally there are some differences. Russians, along with many ethnics, tend to be more ethnocentric and less universalist in their thinking than the whiter-people. In this sense they are a little closer to the NAM’s … Continue reading

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I Love My Car Mechanic

My car has been reluctant to start all week. This afternoon, after work, it appeared dead. I finally coaxed it into starting. It’s 4:40 p.m. and about 100 degrees out. I want to get this problem fixed fast and I … Continue reading

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