Monthly Archives: August 2014

Riding The Subway In Los Angeles

From talking to people who do it regularly, I understand that riding the subway in Los Angeles is a depressing experience mainly shared with low-class Mexicans and a few blacks. As opposed to New Yorkers, Los Angelenos exhibit little concern … Continue reading

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Are Police Anti-Male?

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “Are black males disproportionately involved [in crime]? “All we’re told is how many black men are in prison. Are they in prison because they are black or because they committed a crime?” … Continue reading

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Clerics Plead For Peace

The Los Angeles Times reports: In the midst of horrific attacks that killed thousands and caused an exodus of Muslims from this African nation, clerics such as Nainangue reached across the sectarian divide to shelter those in danger and to … Continue reading

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NYT: A Rabbi’s Decision to Step Down Touches on Questions of Jewish Identity

Notice in this story that pondering what it means to be Jewish and organizing Jews and promoting Jewish interests is a wonderful thing, but if whites were to do this, they would not get such respectful treatment from the MSM. … Continue reading

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Israel-Gaza Social Media Ceasefire?

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