Daily Archives: June 10, 2014

Where’s My Work Ethic?

When I see how family, friends, and relatives have outstripped me in life, I look around and try to remember where I last put my work ethic. I think I had some in my glory days of blogging. I still … Continue reading

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Not All Laws Are Moral

Reacting to Dinesh D’Souza pleading guilty to illegal political donations, Dennis Prager said on his radio show June 9, 2014: “The prosecution of Dinesh D’Souza is one of the most disgusting abuses of power in my lifetime. Even if he … Continue reading

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How Big Of A Sin Is It For A Jewish Man To Be With A Non-Jewish Woman?

Marc B. Shapiro writes: The censorship of this responsum can only have one purpose, namely, so that people don’t learn about how some members of R. Stern’s community (the Hungarian hasidic world) are having sexual relations with non-Jewish women. What … Continue reading

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The High Cost Of Modern Orthodoxy

Marc B. Shapiro writes: Anyone who has been to Israel knows that there are non-haredi Orthodox Jews in all areas of life. You see men with kippot who are bus drivers, security guards, and doing every other job imaginable. Yet … Continue reading

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Jewish Honor Killings

Marc B. Shapiro writes: …we indeed have some examples in Jewish history of “honor killings”. For example, in 1311 a Jewish woman who married a Christian and became pregnant was killed by her brothers.[27] In 1557 an Italian Jew killed … Continue reading

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